Inclusivity in Action

Since our inception in 2008, we have been committed to building inclusive leadership teams.

In the face of a new global economic reality, businesses are reassessing how to remain competitive and relevant. We work with them to support their responsibilities in areas such as inclusion, and coach leadership teams to attract and retain exceptional talent.

Embracing inclusion in the workforce – such as race, ethnicity, gender, experience and thinking – will be one of the key ways firms can ensure they innovate, differentiate and compete globally.

By being supportive of inclusivity, organisations (and importantly the individuals within them) benefit in a variety of ways that are not typically measured, such as retention of talent, employee satisfaction and well-being.
Research has also identified positive associations between top management teams that are inclusive and corporate performance*. They find that functional, educational and tenure differences in top management teams are positively related to corporate performance, suggesting that inclusive backgrounds and experience may foster more effective decision making.

If you are committed to building an inclusive leadership team from across industry sectors, cultures and geographies to strengthen your organisation, or want to know more about inclusivity, and how to deploy it, we are well positioned to help.

Did You Know?

100% of our short lists are inclusive

83% of people we recruit are from different industries and locations

80% of the people recruited are from a diverse background

60% of the people we have recruited are senior women

*Homberg and Bui, 2013

+44 20 4566 8326